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Marriage Ceremonies


Ringless Wedding Ceremony

Family and friends, we are assembled here today to affirm and celebrate the union between these two people, A and B.

Marriage is not a state to be entered into lightly, for it is a joining of two people in one. One body, one blood, one voice. It is a state to be entered into only after careful consideration, and with the gravest and most serious of joys.

If any amongst you know a reason why these two people should not join themselves together, speak now, or hold peace until the end of your days.

(Wait for any response)

A, take up B's hand. (hands closest to minister)

A, do you take B as your spouse, to love and cherish as your own heart, to clasp to you in sickness and in health, joy and sorrow, until the end of your days?

(affirmative, hopefully)

B, take up A's other hand.

B, do you take A as your spouse, to love and cherish as your own heart, to clasp to you in sickness and in health, joy and sorrow, until the end of your days?

(affirmative, hopefully)

(remain holding hands, facing one another) If the couple in question has additional vows to make, ask them in turn:

Do you have a further promise to make to your spouse

?> And then let each party speak.

(minister lay hand on or just above closest clasped hands)

By the power invested in me by the Universal Church Triumphant of the Apathetic Agnostic, this assembly, and the State of NNNNN (assuming that's true), I pronounce you husband/wife and husband/wife.

(minister drop hand, spouses remain clasping hands)

Let what your own hands have joined together, no other split asunder.

You may kiss your spouse.

(optional presentation to assembly)

Will you turn to face your witnesses?

(spouses drop one hand, keep the other, turn to face witnesses)

Assembled family and friends, may I present to you husband / wife and husband / wife, A and B.


